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Freight Directory United Kingdom (UK)

Our convenient Freight directory provides a list of companies plus useful information such as services offered, contact details, specials and even their contributions to help protect our environment. You can search through our business listings below, or for faster results, use our blue form above and let Freight companies come to you! In just a few minutes, a Freight company representative will be in touch with you to offer a free quote and answer any questions you may have.



Magnum Northern Limited

Magnum Northern Limited

Magnum Northern Limited was formed in the UK in 1986, initially as an agent for Magnum Germany, a Hamburg based Transport operator with whom we traded between the UK and Germany, Poland and the former CIS States. We have since extended our services and have representation in virtually every country, becoming experts in the handling of cargo worldwide.

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91 East End,
East Yorkshire,
BPS Logistics (World Cargo)

BPS Logistics (World Cargo)

Established in 2004, BPS World Cargo is a family run business providing customers all over the world with mail, parcel and freight services. Being a small, independent operator, we are able to provide our customers with a personal service, tailored to exact specifications.

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Unit 4A, Beechwood
Chineham Business Park
A&S Forwarding UK Limited

A&S Forwarding UK Limited

A&S Forwarding UK Limited are a UK based freight forwarders - an Independent neutral Broker providing a Road transportation service within the UK. We offer a professional, reliable and friendly service to enable you to solve your haulage requirements at a competitive rate. o Groupage or Full Loads

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John Shirley Ltd

John Shirley Ltd

We are not the usual international freight forwarders company. Although we ship around the world our expertise is Italy and Eastern Europe, in particular former Yugoslavia. We speak the languages and have a firm grasp of what is happening there now and how to best get the goods collected or delivered, quickly and efficiently. Employing major shipping lines and hauliers from throughout the Balkans, as an international freight forwarder, we are the key to the transportation of millions of pounds worth of goods for commercial organisations and multi-national charitable bodies. We oversee the loading, transit, and discharge of over 25 trucks and containers a week all over Europe from our base at Maritime House in Dover.

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Mercator Cargo Systems Ltd

Mercator Cargo Systems Ltd

Mercator Cargo is a UK based independent freight forwarder offering highly effective export sea, road and air freight forwarding services worldwide. Over 85% of Mercator???s current client base consists of small to medium sized enterprises. Over the years we have helped hundreds of companies establish protocols for export. As such we are able to lend a helping hand through the process of exporting your products and advising on documentation, transport options and routes. As an independent forwarder, still owned and managed by the same family, Mercator is not constrained by corporate mentality. We have the knowledge, experience, global network and above all, the determination to deliver a straight forward answer to every freight management task.

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Unit 10 St Georges Business Centre
St Georges Square
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In The Freight Industry
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